Tagging Systems

You can tag systems and group assets for better reporting, data traceability, and data discovery. After tagging, you can visualize associated assets with a tag on a mind map in Enterprise Tags.

To tag systems, follow these steps:

  1. On the Explore tab, hover over a system card and click .
  2. Click Options.
  3. The available options appear.

  4. Click Edit System.
  5. The Edit System page appears.

  6. Click Tags and select a tag from the suggestions that appear.
  7. You can create a tag by typing a tag name in the Tags box and then pressing Enter.

    For example, in the following image, a tag, Data Integration 2021, is created and assigned to a system.

  8. Click .
  9. The tag is assigned to a system.

    Once a system is tagged, you can visualize its association with a tag on a mind map in Enterprise Tags.